Terms & Conditions

* We will make every effort to ensure that the design of the website and any other work done by us is error free; however, digitalinfotak.link will accept any responsibility
for losses incurred because of malfunction of the website or any part of it. digitalinfotak.link will be the rightful owner of the web server, website, graphics, content, and
any programming code until the Client pays all outstanding accounts in full. Any work done by myweblane.com will remain our property and copyright of myweblane.com, unless
otherwise agreed, and may be resold or commercially reproduced only with the permission of digitalinfotak.link

* digitalinfotak.link will not be liable for any copyright infringements that are caused due to materials submitted by the client.

* Any additions to the brief where digitalinfotak.link makes no charge will be done at the sole discretion of digitalinfotak.com and for such additions digitalinfotak.com will not
accept any responsibility to ensure that such additions are error free.

* We reserve the right to charge the Client accordingly for any correction to these additions or
for further additions.

* digitalinfotak.link will not be responsible for any loss of earnings, compensation or costs incurred due to any work carried out by the Client, on behalf of the Client, or
by any third-party agents appointed by the Client.

* digitalinfotak.link is not liable for loss of earnings, compensation or costs incurred because of the unavailability of the website, servers, software or other material
provided by its agents.